We believe a church-centered and heart focused framework of care is essential to extending fruitful years on the field.
Frontlines Counseling Packs
Virtual sessions to help strengthen missionary candidates and on/off field missionaries to see God, themselves, and their afflictions more clearly.
Our packages are designed for an elder, church member, or praying friend to be in the virtual room with the missionary.
Our packages are designed to apply the 7-Marks of a Healthy Frontline Worker to the missionary heart.
Our packages are designed to maximize time and church engagement with pre-session assignments and post session reflection to be shared with church leadership.
Biblical counseling is practiced from the understanding that the Bible is authoritative, sufficient and relevant (2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore, God’s word is the source of wisdom to help treat the numerous conditions that plague mankind’s soul as it is the only source that contains spiritual power to transform the human heart (Hebrews 4:12). The goal of biblical counseling is to proclaim Christ by applying the knowledge and work of Christ to specific life struggles and to promote heart transformation to the glory of God and for the good of the counselee (Colossians 1:28, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Psalm 86:11). Effective biblical counseling can address all matters pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 3-4) presenting men and women, by God’s grace and power, mature in Christ (Col. 1:28).
All sessions are 60 minutes long
Individual sessions: $90
6-session pack
(22% discount per session)
12-session pacK
(27% discount per session)
The goal is to help strengthen individual missionaries, married couples, or teams coming off the field for short or long term for where God is taken them next by seeing God’s faithfulness on the peaks and in the valleys of their stories.
The Team Debrief is a 3-day, 2-night debriefing and counseling event hosted at a scenic mountain home in the Appalachian Mountains (U.S.), onsite at team’s sending church or agency, or in the field during a team retreat.
According to many, one of the most prominent reasons for missionary stress and attrition is team dynamics. Beyond the practical tools to manage stress, we believe that team dynamics first begins with each member’s soul, “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?” (James 4:1-2).
A spiritually healthy team is one which:
• consistently aligns doctrinal belief; (God Aware)
• understands the dynamics of their own hearts; (Heart Aware)
• relies on the Spirit for help; (Spirit Dependent)
• is saturated and led by the Word; (Word Saturated)
• is anchored in community to both speak and receive truth in love; (Community Anchored)
• understands suffering from without and within; (Faithfully Suffering)
• and which properly understands culture in relation to the gospel (Culturally Wise)
This team focused debrief provides ample time and opportunity for Frontlines counselors, specific missionary teams, and their churches and/or agencies to interact.
• spend over 10 hours in-session as a team with Frontlines counselors, church leaders, and/or agency (if applicable)
• take inventory of their team’s spiritual health through a biblical lens
• be equipped by teaching from the 7-marks of a Healthy Frontline Worker
• pray and fight to see God’s goodness within the team
• grow in understanding of the importance of the local church to the care of the missionary soul
• draw wisdom from male and female missionary leaders
• develop a biblical process of introspection and discipleship for individuals and teams to take back to the field, to home, or wherever the Lord is taking them next
Who is it for?
This debrief is ideal for:
• Missionary teams who are away from the field temporarily on home assignment, furlough or away from the field long-term in retirement and
• Missionary teams preparing to deploy to the field with
• Churches of attending missionaries who are helping care for them spiritually (1 person per missionary) and/or
• Sending agency representatives who play a role in caring for missionaries or team (1 person per missionary)
What is the cost?
• The cost is $1099 per missionary, $449 per church or agency representative
What will be included?
• 6 meals (U.S. based location only)
• 10+ hours of focused team debriefing/equipping spread across 7 sessions
• Ample free time
• 25% discount on Frontlines Church-Based Counseling Package which aims to both serve the missionary and equip the church with a framework, resources, and modeling of on-field soul care
• 25% discount on upcoming Frontlines Trainings
The Individual/couple debrief is a 3-day, 2-night debriefing and counseling event hosted at a scenic mountain home in the Appalachian Mountains (other locations globally as able). The goal is to help individual missionaries or married couples coming off the field and their churches begin (or continue!) processing their experience as missionaries by deeply meditating on and considering the character of God, reflecting on their soul's varied responses (thoughts, feelings, behaviors) to their missionary journey, and mapping a path forward towards continued growth in becoming a spiritually healthy frontline worker. This more intense and focused debrief is different than the group debrief in that it provides ample time and opportunity for Frontlines counselors, missionaries, and their church to engage around both encouraging and deeply discouraging times in the field.
• spend over 12 hours in-session, one-on-one, with Frontlines counselors
• take inventory of their souls through a biblical lens
• be equipped by teaching from the 7-marks of a Healthy Frontline Worker
• pray and fight to see God’s work through the peaks and the valleys of their story
• grow in understanding of the importance of the local church to the care of the missionary soul
• draw wisdom from male and female missionary leaders
• develop a healthy biblical process of introspection and discipleship to take back to the field, to home, or wherever the Lord is taking them next
Who is it for?
This debrief is ideal for:
• Missionaries who are away from the field temporarily on home assignment, furlough, or away from the field long-term in retirement
• Individuals within the attending missionaries church who are helping care for them
• Missionaries who sense a desire to spend more focused time to process the difficulties of field life
What is the cost?
• The cost is $3,160 for individual or married couple with a member from their church or $2,580 for individual or married couple without their church present.
What will be included?
You will receive:
• 6 meals covered (U.S. based location only)
• 12+ hours of focused debriefing spread across 8 sessions
• Ample free time
• 25% discount on Frontlines Church-Based Counseling Packages which aims to both serve the missionary and equip the church with a framework, resources, and modeling of on-field soul care
• 25% discount on upcoming Frontlines Trainings
Ready to begin?
*Available counseling slots will be prioritized for candidates and missionaries with church partner packages
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MISSIONARY Testimonials
"The debrief topics were perfectly timed for what we were experiencing."
Missionary couple leaving the field after 12 years in East Asia
"One thing is super clear: I need to get back to reading my bible."
Couple after 3 years in Africa
"I did not think this would help but I have seen things from a different perspective. God has spoken to my heart."
Missionary completing assignment in South America after 8 years